- Murabaha
- Musharakah
- Mudarabah
- Ijarah
- Qardul Hassan Financing
- Tawarruq Financing
- Micro-Investment Financing
Murabaha, also referred to as cost-plus financing, is an Islamic financing structure in which the seller and buyer agree to the cost and markup of an asset.
What We Offer:
- MURABAHA -New Car Financing
- MURABAHA -Used Car Financing
- MURABAHA -Home Financing
- MURABAHA -Merchandizing Financing
- MURABAHA -Commodity Financing
- MURABAHA -Building Materials Financing
- MURABAHA -Farm / Agricultural Product & Equipment
- Farm / Fishing Product & Equipment
- Land Purchase Financing
- Have an account with IDMAN Community Bank
- Proof of income i.e employment certificate
- Sale agreement showing purchase price and payments made (invoice).
- Bank statement of the latest three months.
- Customer must pay 20% of down payment.
- Valid passport and 2 colored passport size photos for guarantor if the investment is less than $10,000.
- Two colored passport size photos
- Guarantee letter or property collateral
- Murabaha can be used by small, medium, commercial enterprises & corporate
entities. - Lower monthly installment with longer payment period
- Murabaha facility provides an ideal Raw materials/ Finish goods financing
solution. - Finance both new and used cars and other Items.
- Affordable monthly instalments
- Competitive profit rates
Musharaka refers to a joint partnership where two or more persons combine either their capital or labor.
What We Offer:
- MUSHARAKAH-Diminishing Home Financing
- MUSHARAKAH-Merchandizing Financing
- Have an account with IDMAN Community Bank
- Proof of income i.e employment certificate
- Sale agreement showing purchase price and payments made (invoice).
- Bank statement of the latest three months.
- Customer must pay 20% of down payment.
- Valid passport and 2 colored passport size photos for guarantor if the investment is less than $10,000.
- Two colored passport size photos
- Guarantee letter or property collateral
- Diminishing Musharkah based on the Shariah contract of Musharkah,
which means profit sharing. - Diminishing Musharakah can be used by small, medium, commercial
enterprises & corporate entities. - Diminishing Musharakah is an ideal mode for medium to long term
finance as it offers flexible financing terms to match the Customers’
requirements. - Can be used to finance the acquisition/construction of capital assets such
as land, factory, building, etc. - Ideal for investment banking and project financing needs
- Sharia compliant
- Promise from the client to purchase the units of share of the financier.
It is a partnership contract in which one party provides the capital, whereas the other party (known as ‘Mudarib’) provides labour and expertise in running the partnership.
What We Offer:
- Have an account with IDMAN Community Bank
- Proof of income i.e employment certificate
- Sale agreement showing purchase price and payments made (invoice).
- Bank statement of the latest three months.
- Customer must pay 20% of down payment.
- Valid passport and 2 colored passport size photos for guarantor if the investment is less than $10,000.
- Two colored passport size photos
- Guarantee letter or property collateral
- Based on the Shariah contract of Mudarabah, which means profit sharing.
- Potential to earn higher returns with indicative profit rate.
- Profits gained from investment are shared between Customer and Bank based on a
previously agreed profit sharing ratio. Profits are paid monthly and are not subject to
balance band or number of withdrawals. - It is a short-term placement with the bank based on the shariah principle of
Mudharabah or profit sharing - Suitable for investors who are seeking the opportunity and flexibility to invest their
cash surplus. The ratio of profit distribution is negotiable - The tenor may vary from 6 months up to 3 years.
- Higher levels of investment
- Desirable income of distribution
- Financial stability
Ijarah is a type of contract in Islamic finance. It is an ownership of the right to the benefit of using an asset for a particular period of time in return for a payment.
What We Offer:
- Have an account with IDMAN Community Bank
- Proof of income i.e employment certificate
- Sale agreement showing purchase price and payments made (invoice).
- Bank statement of the latest three months.
- Customer must pay 20% of down payment.
- Valid passport and 2 colored passport size photos for guarantor if the investment is less than $10,000.
- Two colored passport size photos
- Guarantee letter or property collateral
- Based on the Shariah contract of Ijarah, which means usufruct of assets and
properties. - Ijarah can be used by small, medium, commercial enterprises & corporate
entities. - Ijarah is an ideal mode for medium to long term finance as it offers flexible
financing terms to match the Customers’ requirements. - Ijarah facility provides an ideal off balance sheet financing solution.
- Bank bears the risk of the asset throughout the Ijarah tenure
- Sharia compliant
Also known as al-qard al-hasan, qardh hasan qard hasan, or qard. An Islamic finance term, qard al-hasan refers to an interest free loan. In a qard al-hasan transaction, the borrower repays the principal amount of the loan without interest, mark-up, or a share in the business for which the loan was used.
Tawarruq is a financing arrangement where customer will be receiving cash at the end of it for his needs through a series of sale transactions.
Microfinance is the extension of small loans to the underprivileged, in combination with other financial services, such as savings accounts, training, health services, networking, and peer support.